Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy Birthday, Bill!

The evening of April 30 found us on brother Barry's boat, along with his girlfriend Cindy, our friend Ted from Idaho, and another couple we made friends with in La Paz. Cindy fixed a MARVELOUS turkey dinner as "The Feast before the Fest". Chocolate cake and ice cream from Grey Wolf topped off the evening and wished Bill well on his upcoming 42nd anniversary of his 29th birthday!!! Today is the beginning of a four day event called Loreto Fest, planned by and for cruisers here in the Sea of Cortez. There will be seminars, craft classes, food, games, contests, food, dancing, a swap meet, food, a silent auction, a chili cook-off, and more food. We look forward to seeing those we've met before and making new friends as well. Alice hopes that her pumpkin-chicken chili will be a winner at the cook-off. She also hopes she can stay on her new eating plan which does seem to be helping her drop some inches... no scales on board and that is just as well.

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