Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It Only Took 21 Years...

Alice has made her home in Indio for the last 21 years, but had never visited Joshua Tree National Park, just a short drive east of there. Since it is Springtime and the flowers should be blooming Bill decided to take her there last weekend while we were home. It was a gorgeous day and we found a multitude of photo opps, from rocks, to trees, to wildflowers and some cactus. Unfortunately, we were early for the cholla blooms and late for the Joshua trees, but nonetheless it was a great little one day jaunt into familiar territory for Bill who was BORN in Indio and an eyeopener for Alice, shown standing near a cholla- That is all you want to do, as these cacti are also called jumping cactus, which embed their barbed thorns in flesh that even just brushes them briefly! Bill was dwarfed by one of the rock formations...


Jessica Stier said...

You've made me feel a litter better about never visiting. I only lived in SoCal for 10 years. I've always wanted to go but it just has never been a priority. Maybe one of these days... Although now I'm thinking I had better either go sans kids or else wait until they are older so we have less of those cholo accidents!

I love checking out your aquatic adventures!


Jessica Stier said...

Hahaha. It's so funny when you go back and reread something that you didn't proofread prior to posting! I actually don't feel litter better, it's more like a little better! :)

Anyway, I love your blog!