One dirty rudder and propellor on Grey Wolf
Bill and Alice arrived in Tacoma on January 24 and checked in with Citadel Marine Service the next week, wanting information on hauling out Grey Wolf and getting a fresh paint job done. They were not very busy and we soon found ourselves staying on our friends' boat, with Grey Wolf in dry dock!
More damage done to the keel than we thought....
Bill knew he had run up on a rock formation the very last morning we were in Alaska, but with no leakage we trusted that the fiberglass hull had withstood the assault quite well! Well, she did, but
he was shocked to see the extent of the damage upon inspection. Repairs of this little incident
added to our bill, but it was a lesson well-learned. Brown shadows on the water of our anchorage
looked like seaweed, but indeed were not!
A newly balanced prop all painted and pretty~
Between the workmen putting on the first coat of paint and Bill putting on the second and third
coats, the job was done in about one week. Bill also installed some new thruhulls and a new transducer, so we should be in good shape for a while. A survey was also done for insurance.
This was a cozy place to work on cold winter days!
The weather had been in the twenties, but while Grey Wolf was out it was in the thirties and forties: still too cold to work outside. Citadel set her up inside and this made for a much better work space.
Boat paint has to be at a certain temperature and so do the workers!
Ahoy, Captain~ time to go back in the water...
Most times we have been pulled out by a huge sling apparatus called a Travel Lift. This facility
uses a Sea Lift instead, and it works by remote control! A worker with a control panel walked along beside it and remotely turned the wheels to guide it back into the water~ very cool!!
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