Monday, August 8, 2011

You really 'otter' be here!

The flora and fauna are definitely different up in these here parts... the river otters posing for Alice just one example.  One morning this mother and her twins were foraging under our dock, so out came the camera- with the telephoto lens- and the results were pretty amazing.  Mother climbed onto the dock, followed by the two young ones, one of which had a small fish dangling from its mouth!  The downside to having otters on your dock is that they use it as a potty... oh, well, WE have intruded into their territory, so that is what we get!  The Hylebos Waterway where our marina is located is a manmade extension of the Hylebos River, hence we have river otters here, as opposed to the more well-known sea otters that lie on their backs and crack open shells with rocks.

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