Saturday, March 12, 2011


The 26th annual Pig Races were held on February 13, 2001 in the little town of Mulege, Baja California South.  Although we have been in the area many times before, we had never attended, so it was a first for us!  It was a first, and probably only, experience for these little piggies, too.

Since we were anchored out near Playa Santispac we had no transportation.  But sailors are resourceful, and a bunch of us hooked up with visiting Canadians camping on shore and rode in with them- the Baja Boys,shown above, are from four different American boats.
The races pitted three little piggies against each other.  Each was anchored to a guide wire that ran down the track.  #6 was having none of it, as you can see.  Some took off like they were pros!  Some of the spectators bet on the four races, with profits of this event going to the local Rotary Club's charitable organizations.

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