Friday, December 3, 2010

Thoughts of Christmas from the Captain~2010

Christmas fun on Grey Wolf

Alice has been playing with her early Birthday/Christmas gift from Bill:
a new lens for her camera- a fixed 50 mm which allows her to takeclose-up shots with the blurred background you see in this photo!  It will take practice, but it will be fun learning a new technique for close shots~

What comes to your mind when you are reminded that Christmas is almost here?

Most people think about the amount of money that they will HAVE TO spend.  There is Mom and Dad, if you are lucky enough to still have them with you, Husband or Wife, and children of all ages.  You will do what it takes to make your loved ones happy and that is wonderful that people the world over will stop to show their love to family and friends.

But for the Christian it is a reminder of that joyous occasion when Christ first came to earth to teach and to go to the cross to pay our debt.  It was a debt we could not pay ourselves.  We now have the great joy of remembering that we are saved by simply faith that Christ CAME and died and we know we are HIS through faith only.  It has always been faith!!  Those before Christ looked forward with faith that the Messiah would come, and He has.  We now look back on the fact that He has and that is the reason we are filled with so much love at Christmastime~ because He first loved us.

Take a moment and read Phil. 2:1-8.  What great love that He would leave the place of glory and come to take the form of man!  The word HUMBLE is the one word that stands out to me.  Then in John 10:1-10 Christ explains Salvation and compares Himself to thieves and robbers.  He came to save, while others come as a thief to just get what they can for themselves.

As Christmas comes upon us so rapidly let us examine our Faith.  Are we trying to be good enough?  We have failed all through the years to be good enough.  Isa.64:6 tells us that all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. 

What a wonderful season we have now, being able to look back on the birth of our Lord and Saviour, knowing that He came and is still gathering His flock.  Let us all have a wonderful Christmas, but let us all take time to thank and Praise the Lord for the season we are celebrating!

Merry Christmas from Captain Bill


Larry & Zeny said...

Merry Christmas to Both of you from The Ozarks. The Boat looks good after all your hard work

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas!