Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Message from the Captain

Well, it's that time of the year again. I remember when I was a kid that the last two weeks before Christmas seemed like five years. Now it seems like the last five years only took two weeks!
It is at this time of the year when people turn their attention to Christmas that Satan gets busy using people who are afraid of Christmas or anything to do with God to try to persuade people that there is no God. I remember when there was a push to tell everyone that God had died; now they run ads that say "There is no God'. Psalms 14:1: The fool says in his heart 'there is no God'. So this foolishness has been going on for much longer than most might think.
I have oftime wondered what a great faith these people must have to convince themselves that all we see- Sun, Moon, Stars and this beautiful Earth and all life that is on it just happened by accident... If I tried to tell those same people that the automobile came into being by a Big Bang that happened some time ago, they would think me crazy and they would be right, if I really believed that. When you think about it, isn't a car much simpler than mankind and the animals? We all know that the car was created by a higher being than the car. Does it not stand to reason, then, that everything was created by a being much higher than the thing created and that something so complex as the animal and man had to be created by a much higher being? Genesis says 'In the beginning God created...'. Simple faith and logic tells you this must be true. I have always wondered why anyone would spend so much time and energy fighting something they 'don't believe in', or do they? I have a theory that they fight God so hard because they don't want Him to be there, because if He does exist then all that goes with Him is true also. Down deep they worry about the judgment day that is coming and they well should. Numbers 32 tells us that God punishes His people when they ignore Him and seek their own glory. Remember, God is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever!
Now as we look to Christmas, and reflect on the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we see the great LOVE that God has for His creation. In Philippians 2: 5-8, (read please), we are told that Christ, in His great love, came to provide the only way back to our Father in Heaven.
We can all retell the Christmas story of Jesus' birth in a stable with people and animals at His side, the wise men coming from afar bringing gifts, but what we so often miss is the great love God has for us. He has provided everything we need to be close to Him. Some complain about how commercial Christmas has become, but it has long been that way. When I consider God's great gift of love for us in the coming of Christ, is it wrong for us to show our love to others by giving gifts as well? I think it is the thing to do, and I think it pleases God that we show our love. But don't forget to give a return gift back to God to show our love for Him. He is what it is all about, after all.
I am so thankful that we can look back and remember that Christ has already come. Before that time God's people looked forward to His coming with the same faith we use to look back to that wonderful day~ Christmas!!!
My hope and prayer is that you will celebrate Christmas by praising, singing, and giving a gift to God. Also, show your love with gifts to your family and loved ones.
Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year!
With love to all from Bill and Alice

1 comment:

*Melinda* said...

Thank You for your message! I really enjoyed it! Merry Christmas!!!OXOX