Saturday, October 17, 2009

Out and About in Costa Rica

Two day trips took Alice and Paddy two different directions: the first across Golfo Dulce by ferry to Puerto Jimenez, where we searched for the scarlet macaws famous in that area. We saw bright red dragonflies, birds and a crocodile in a mangrove swamp, and lots of butterflies- too fast to photograph. Another day we rode a bus into the interior in search of new sights. We were in Rio Claro, Palma Norte, Palma Sur, and Sierpe, where we ate lunch on the edge of the Rio Sierpe. By the time we got to the restaurant it was pouring rain- see it running off the tin roof, above. We visited with two American women who had just returned from a three hour river trip, where they saw crocs, and THREE species of monkeys- howler, white-face, and squirrel. In all the time we have been here we have never seen a monkey!!

1 comment:

Magobrillo said...

I enjoyed your latest update. Keep them coming.
