Thursday, April 16, 2009

Alice's Busyness!

While home, Alice took advantage of the opportunity to have Kaeli over each week while her mom and dad were at work. Grandma Rowland usually watches her, but she and Grandma Johnson had fun and she became very comfortable being there. The above photo shows Kaeli helping Grandma wash dishes. Her little blue apron from Costa Rica is barely visible. She became so used to wearing it that she reminded Alice one day that she did NOT have hers on!

Since the long arm quilting machine was just sitting there, waiting for use, Margaret called to ask her mom if she would be able to finish a quilt top and two pillow shams that she had just finished in Ohio. No promises were made, but when the box arrived and Alice saw the size of the quilt top, she despaired of ever getting done with it! The machine did not cooperate, the batting did not cooperate, but after an entire week of struggling with it, the project was done... not perfectly, mind you, but done nonetheless. Alice does not want to ever do a top that big again- 100 inches square! Not a great photo of Kaeli, but the Pioneer Braid pattern shows up well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you, must call me in CA 818-542-3188 if you get back before June 10: i would love to visit by phone or in person. we are back to Maine after that. our son Dan graduates from ER residency to Plymouth MA & we help him move in. love your stitching & new fabric exploration. AnnieLaurie